Fast-dry Mold Release Agent
適合二次加工,如噴漆、絲印、電鍍、燙金、透明製品及高精度電子產品印刷。 This product features fast drying process which does not affect secondary process. Ideal for molding mimeograph, screen printing, electroplate, bronzing, transparent and high precision electronic products printing.
油性脫模劑:適用於各種塑料、橡膠、玻璃、金屬工業製品生產脫模,具有脫模效果好,次數多,防鏽、潤滑、不損模具和增加塑料表面光潔度以及毛紡潤滑、方便耐用等優點。 This product provides excellent performance in both light and heavy demolding processes such as plastics, rubber, glass, and metal etc. This product is integrated with our company’s Power Nano-Tech formula, featuring cleaning mold resins, lubricating mold surface and protecting mold surface from corrosion.
Neutral Mold Release Agent
本品廣泛用於各種塑料,橡膠,玻璃,金屬工業製品生產脫模,具有脫模效果好,次數多,防鏽,潤滑,不損模具和增加塑料表面光潔度。把產品徹底清潔乾淨後,不影響二次加工,如噴油,絲印,電鍍,燙金,透明製品及高精度電子產品印製。 This product provides excellent performance in both light and heavy demolding processes such as plastics, rubber, glass, and metal etc. This product is integrated with our company’s Power Nano-Tech formula, featuring cleaning mold resins, lubricating mold surface and protecting mold surface from corrosion. Comparing to the regular Mold Release Agent, this product contains a more neutral oil based formula, and this formula is designed for releasing products like mimeograph, screen printing, electroplate, bronzing, transparent and high precision electronic products printing without affecting secondary processes.
Multi-purpose OZ-60 Lubricant
此產品具有溶解於垢物質,鬆動鏽蝕零件,排除雜音,排除濕氣,防潮腐蝕,潤滑及防綉等作用。可迅速把表面污垢去除,在零件間隙之間形成一層防鏽潤滑保護膜,適用於任何工業使用或家居電器。 使用方法:適當搖勻瓶身,用產品噴濕所需要處理的地方並容其浸吸,兩分鐘後請把表面溶劑抹去(清洗表面污垢),再向表面噴射產品以形成防鏽潤滑保護膜,想達到更佳防鏽潤滑效果,請別抹去。 - Powerful mechanic maintenance product (heat-resistant colorless) - Does all jobs at once, including cleaning(dirt, resin, etc) , loosing metal parts, eliminating noise, lubricating metal parts, anti-corrosion and anti-rusting. - Pulls out dirt and degreases thick oil that stick on the surface,forming a layer of anti-rusting protection between joints at the same time. - Ultimate mechanic caring product perfect for any industries/ home use. Direction: - Do sample test if needed. - Shake well before use. - Spray evenly on the
Thimble Lubricant (Heat-Resistant Co
創新納米是優化耐高溫潤滑分子,延長高溫潤滑性能,不結膠,不碳化,對金屬無腐蝕。適用於注塑機的頂針潤滑,也可用於各類電器和玩具的金屬及塑料部件潤滑。 使用方法: 先將模具打開,推出頂針,搖勻對準頂針均勻直接噴射。 Thimble Lubricant (Heat-Resistant Colorless) This product features long-lasting lubrication and heat resistant which is non-sticky, non-corrosive, and non-carbonized to metal. Contains advanced lubricating Nano-Tech that helps gears move smoothly and protects mechanical parts from wearing out. The lubrication is ideal for injection molding machine, power equipment, metal parts of toys and other metal tools. Direction: Shake well before applying to the mechanic. Release the mold and launch thimbles. Evenly spray into the thimbles or mechanical parts to help machine move smoothly.
Lubrication Series Anti-rubs Lubrica
A、使用說明:使用前搖勻,使用於大面積的潤滑處理。或將導管插上,可深入機械零件部件的空隙內部,使用於小面積的潤滑 處理 B、特 色:適用於機械零部件、家庭用品、卷閘、門窗等五金活動部位的螺絲、鉸位、齒輪、軸承、軌道、鏈條、鋼纜之潤滑、防鏽、防濕、防腐蝕、具耐熱、耐壓、長期順滑的作用 警 告:使用前必須作小樣測試而作出肯定。內含壓力氣體,勿讓兒童玩耍,勿近火源使 用,勿擠壓與碰撞,不可曝晒或燃燒,存放在 40℃ 以下陰涼、通風乾燥處。 A, use: shake well before use, lubrication used in large area. Or insert the pipe into the gap of the mechanical parts, which can be used in a small area. B features: suitable for mechanical parts, household appliances, rolling shutter doors and windows and other hardware parts of the screw, hinge activities, gears, bearings, chains, cables, rail lubrication, rust proof, damp proof, corrosion resistance, heat resistance, pressure resistance, with long smooth effect Warning: to make sure the sample test before use. Containing gas under pressure, do not let the child play, not near the fire source, do not squeeze and collision, not exposure or burning, stored in 40 DEG C cool, ventilated and dry place.
本品適用於機械零部件,家庭用品,卷閘,門窗等五金活動部位的螺絲,鉸位,齒輪,軸承,道軌,鏈條,鋼纜之潤滑,防鏽,防濕,防腐蝕,長期順滑的作用。 使用方法:使用前搖勻,使用於大面積的潤滑處理。或將導管插上,可深入機械堆件的空隙內部,使用於小面積的潤滑處理。 YinJing Grease The product offers long-lasting lubrication, anti-rust, anti-corrosion and damp proof. Mainly aim at screw, hinge, wheel gear, bearing, track, chain, wire-rope in mechanic parts, household articles,roller shutters, doors and windows. Direction: Shake well before applying to large-scale processing. It is recommended to use mini straw to penetrate the gaps among the mechanic parts when serving for small areas of lubrication.
本產品是特種高質,高性能環保型霧化硅油,使用時呈霧狀噴射,具有良好的滑爽性,隔離性,耐高溫和化學穩定性,表面張力適中,剝離性好,無腐蝕性。使用方便,效率高的特點。 作用:剝離與阻隔化纖噴絲板表面聚合物的粘連。專用於滌綸,錦綸,丙綸纖維噴絲板的修整。 Silicone Spray This product is environmental friendly Silicone Spray with advanced formula and high-performance. With Power Nano-Tech formula, this products is characteristic in smooth, isolation, high-temperature resistance, chemical stability, moderated surface tension, non-corrosion, convenience and efficiency.
Multi-purpose OZ-60 Lubricant
此產品具有溶解於垢物質,鬆動鏽蝕零件,排除雜音,排除濕氣,防潮腐蝕,潤滑及防綉等作用。可迅速把表面污垢去除,在零件間隙之間形成一層防鏽潤滑保護膜,適用於任何工業使用或家居電器。 使用方法:適當搖勻瓶身,用產品噴濕所需要處理的地方並容其浸吸,兩分鐘後請把表面溶劑抹去(清洗表面污垢),再向表面噴射產品以形成防鏽潤滑保護膜,想達到更佳防鏽潤滑效果,請別抹去。 - Powerful mechanic maintenance product (heat-resistant colorless) - Does all jobs at once, including cleaning(dirt, resin, etc) , loosing metal parts, eliminating noise, lubricating metal parts, anti-corrosion and anti-rusting. - Pulls out dirt and degreases thick oil that stick on the surface,forming a layer of anti-rusting protection between joints at the same time. - Ultimate mechanic caring product perfect for any industries/ home use. Direction: - Do sample test if needed. - Shake well before use. - Spray evenly on the surface of the mechanic and let the solution penetrates the joints. - After 2 minutes, cleaning the dirt by wiping off the solution on the surface. - Spray to the surface again to form a layer of protection and lubrication. - Do not erase the solution when lubricating and anti-rusting.