• 嶄新科技  氣霧帝國



  • 頂針潤滑油(耐高溫型-無色)

    Thimble Lubricant (Heat-Resistant Colorless)



  • 創新納米是優化耐高溫潤滑分子,延長高溫潤滑性能,不結膠,不碳化,對金屬無腐蝕。適用於注塑機的頂針潤滑,也可用於各類電器和玩具的金屬及塑料部件潤滑。
    使用方法: 先將模具打開,推出頂針,搖勻對準頂針均勻直接噴射。
    Thimble Lubricant (Heat-Resistant Colorless)
    This product features long-lasting lubrication and heat resistant which is non-sticky, non-corrosive, and non-carbonized to metal. Contains advanced lubricating Nano-Tech that helps gears move smoothly and protects mechanical parts from wearing out. The lubrication is ideal for injection molding machine, power equipment, metal parts of toys and other metal tools. 
    Shake well before applying to the mechanic. Release the mold and launch thimbles. Evenly spray into the thimbles or mechanical parts to help machine move smoothly.