• 嶄新科技  氣霧帝國



  • 本品採用美國最新工業冷卻配方,優質原材料調配而成。 功能: 1 、防鏽、防沸、防凍、防過熱,對水箱、橡膠部件有利。 2 、適合各類水冷式汽油發動機使用。 規格容量: 2 公升裝。 American latest industrial coolant technology. Introduction:1.Anti-Rust, anti-boil, anti-freeze, anti-overheating. Ideal for water tank and rubber maintenance. 2. Designed for all water-cooled gasoline engines. Net Weight: 2KG

  • A、銀晶牌清潔劑能有效清除膠質、油泥、頑固碳積漆膜等沉積物,恢復化油器良好狀態,增強燃爆力,無損氣份敏感器件。 The product contains power Nano-tech featuring in fast reaction (Rapidly remove dirt, glue,stain and oxygenate in the carburetor, crankcase, piston, thimble and oil pipe). The cleaner is ideal for improving engine efficiency and power, reducing fault, prolonging life span of machines, and protecting mechanic parts.

  • 無毒、無腐蝕,有效抵抗強烈紫外線,防止儀錶台、皮革座椅退色、防止廢氣污染物滲入,保持原來的光澤,防水效力特強。也適用於汽車輪胎及橡膠製品。 This product is non-toxic, non-corrosive, waterproof, effectively against ultraviolet ray and keeps the leather fine gloss. Preventing dashboard and leather seats fade. Preventing exhaust emission from penetrating the leather. Also ideal for car wheel and rubber products.

  • 用于清潔汽車、摩托車表面的柏油、油汙、具有清潔劑和光亮劑雙重功效,用後能使汽車表面潔淨光亮。。 警 告:使用前必須作小樣測試而作出肯定。內含壓力氣體, 勿讓兒童玩耍,勿近火源使用,勿擠壓與碰撞,不可曝晒或燃燒,存放在 40℃ 以下陰涼、通風乾燥處。 used to clean the car, the surface of the asphalt, oil, with a cleaning agent and a dual effect of light, can make the car after the surface clean and bright. Warning: to make sure the sample test before use. Containing gas under pressure, do not let the child play, not near the fire source, do not squeeze and collision, not exposure or burning, stored in 40 DEG C cool, ventilated and dry place.