• 嶄新科技  氣霧帝國



  • 中性脫模劑

    Neutral Mold Release Agent



  • 本品廣泛用於各種塑料,橡膠,玻璃,金屬工業製品生產脫模,具有脫模效果好,次數多,防鏽,潤滑,不損模具和增加塑料表面光潔度。把產品徹底清潔乾淨後,不影響二次加工,如噴油,絲印,電鍍,燙金,透明製品及高精度電子產品印製。

    This product provides excellent performance in both light and heavy demolding processes such as plastics, rubber, glass, and metal etc. This product is integrated with our company’s Power Nano-Tech formula, featuring cleaning mold resins, lubricating mold surface and protecting mold surface from corrosion. Comparing to the regular Mold Release Agent, this product contains a more neutral oil based formula, and this formula is designed for releasing products like mimeograph, screen printing, electroplate, bronzing, transparent and high precision electronic products printing without affecting secondary processes.