• 嶄新科技 氣霧帝國



嶄新科技 氣霧帝國


“杰利哥”――因使命而啟程,因責任而堅持。如今固橋已成長為壹家有使命、有責任、有夢想、有文化、有規模致力於氣霧劑研發,生產,銷售為壹 體的高新技術企業,40000平方米的現代廠房,先進的全自動生產設備,倡導低碳、安全、高效、環保的生產經營理念,引領著氣霧劑產業的持續健康發 展 。 “銀晶”品牌自1992年成功創立以來,產品不斷升級,品種層出不窮,模具防銹、清洗、潤滑等壹系列的註塑應用產品問世以來,不斷將氣霧劑行業推 向新的高端,同時成為國內外主要汽車、家電、電子及模具制造業、註塑工業、五金機電等行業的戰略合作夥伴,隨著社會的高速發展氣霧劑市場的需求 日益增大,在過去二十多年的發展中,“銀晶”品牌經歷了經濟市場的風雲變幻,我們壹路乘風破浪、與時俱進、不斷創新。為客戶帶來貼心的服務。

About jie li ge
jie li ge Nano-Technology Co Ltd is a integrated company with self R&D, advanced aerosol technology and innovative lubricant product design. Products developed by GuQiao provide excellent performance and efficiency as jie li ge is holding the spirit of determination, inspiration, and innovation since the company was found in 1992. At the same time, GuQiao concerns about the environment, introducing low emission and efficient green production line. Since “YinJing” was first found in 1992, the company has successfully developed Anti-Rust, Cleaner and Lubricant in the molding industry. YinJing products are playing indispensable roles in manufacturing industry covering automobile, household appliances, electronic devices, injection moldings and other machineries. After 20 years of innovation and development, YinJing is leading the aerosol industry at present.